DPSL dairy farm consultancy for increased farm productivity

DPSL dairy farm consultancy focuses on cow management and nutrition to boost your farm’s productivity. Our consultancy team offers a rare combination of expertise in animal health, nutrition, cow management, analysis and dairy farm systems. We will show you how to maximise your dairy farm’s profitability without compromising the welfare of people, cows or the environment.

Nutrition of the dairy cow

We have a very cow-focused approach, with an emphasis on minimising profit leeches such as poor animal health and reproduction, while optimising the rumen health, feed conversion efficiency and performance of your dairy herd.

DPSL consultants, a team of skilled professionals, will call on the expertise of any of their colleagues, if need be, in order to achieve your farming goals.

Book a farm fitness check with a dairy farm consultant

One of our dairy farm consultancy team will visit you to assess your farm and cows and to discuss the outcomes you want to achieve. We’ll listen to what your priorities are as we look at your facilities, staff, farm and herd to define your limitations and positives.

DPSL farm consultants will spend time during farm visits in teaching you how to manage your farm and herd so that you will be able to make better decisions about every aspect of your dairy business. The advice we give you relates directly to you and your dairy farm – we don’t use

Dairy farm consultancy - advising on dairy cow and farm management

DPSL farm consultants advise on dairy cow and farm management.

standardised, formulated solutions.