Education and training for New Zealand’s dairy industry

Dairy Production Systems Ltd runs education courses for dairy farmers, veterinarians and other dairy industry professionals. These will increase your knowledge and skills in the management and nutrition of dairy cattle. Our seminars, courses, discussion groups and field days give opportunities for you to extend and share the experience you have gained while working within the dairy farming industry.

Prompted by our recognition of “gaps” in the knowledge and skill levels of many of those working in the dairy industry, and by the realisation that our small group of consultants could not reach all the people who wanted their dairy consultancy services, Bryan McKay, Sue Macky and Elizabeth Dillon developed various education courses for dairy farmers in order to meet those needs.

Our workshop programme teaches the principles of cow and feed management in a classroom setting, and gives practical examples on farms later in the day.

DPSL Workshops

DPSL education courses for dairy farmers

DPSL education courses for the dairy industry

DPSL Seminars